Streamline Task Management with JSuitesCloud JobSheet

Efficient, Intuitive, and Comprehensive. Elevate your project management with our advanced JobSheet feature.


Effortless Task Creation

Task Overview and Monitoring

Comprehensive Task Management

Robust Reporting and Analytics

User-Friendly Interface

How to use the Jobsheet

Logging In and Setup

First things first, let’s get you logged in.
  1. Log In: Enter your credentials to access the main dashboard.
  2. Navigation: Locate the JobSheet feature in the sidebar to begin.

Creating Tasks

Your employees are the heartbeat of your organization. Let’s get their details into the system.
  1. Access JobSheet: Select ‘JobSheet’ from the sidebar to start.
  2. Create New Task: Click ‘Create Task’ and fill in the necessary details.
  3. Save Task: Review the details and save to activate the task immediately.

Managing Tasks

Now, for the magic to happen—creating those all-important payslips.

  1. Select “Payroll” to begin the payslip generation process.
  2. Choose the employee and add any applicable allowances.
  3. Click “Proceed” and watch as the system accurately generates a detailed payslip.

Monitoring Progress

Stay organized and informed with easy access to payslips and reports.

  1. Navigate to “View Payslips” for an overview of employee earnings and deductions.
  2. To sort payroll reports, choose criteria like Employee Name, Month, or select “All” for a comprehensive view.
  3. Use the “Print” or “Download” feature to get hard copies for your records or distribution.


Stay organized and informed with easy access to payslips and reports.

  1. Navigate to “View Payslips” for an overview of employee earnings and deductions.
  2. To sort payroll reports, choose criteria like Employee Name, Month, or select “All” for a comprehensive view.
  3. Use the “Print” or “Download” feature to get hard copies for your records or distribution.